Executive Committee Members
Larissa Penn
Helene Kemp
Vice President
Roger Promnitz & Helene Kemp
Ralph Youie
General Committee Members
Carmen Loecherer
John Melville
Matthew Smythe
Naremburn Matters Editor
Sub Committees
DAs – monitors the Development Applications for this area
Events – plans and co-ordinates events such (example: Free community film festival “Paddington Bear” in September 2017.
Membership – welcomes people as they enter the general meeting; accepts application forms from new members, receives membership fees; delivers agendas and minutes to the handful of members not on email.
Naremburn Community Centre – the NPA’s elected Delegates to the Centre User Group maintain contact with WCC regarding the proposed upgrading of the Centre including the allocation of space for the NPA; the on-going provision of library services to Naremburn residents.
Naremburn Matters – produces the quarterly issue, March, June, September, December each year since 2005.
Open Space – monitors and reports on street planting as well as the status of the planting that was required following completion of the Lane Cove Tunnel Project; the condition of the area around the Shops; the road approaches to Naremburn; follows through on related items raised in Open Forum; drafts necessary letters to WCC for consideration at a general meeting and the signature of the Secretary.
Website – the Public Officer receives news items from NPA members, WCC Press Releases, items from members of the community; monitors ‘Latest News’ on the home page; forwards all items for inclusion to the Webmaster.
To promote the welfare and advancement of the community in the Naremburn area.
Public meetings are held at Naremburn Community Centre, Central Street, Naremburn. Meetings are held on the 2nd Thursday every 2 months (except January and July) and begin at 7:30 pm. All members and residents are welcome.
Open Forums
At the start of each meeting, there is a 15 minute forum for residents to raise issues of concern or to provide information to the meeting.
NPA Elections
Held at the Annual General Meeting set down for the second Thursday of March each year.
Naremburn Matters, a quarterly publication, March, June, September, December, that is hand-delivered to all households and businesses in Naremburn.
Westpac, St Leonards, BSB 032 297 Account No. 20 1474
Postal Address
PO Box 393 St Leonards NSW 1590
Why Volunteer? Change a life…your own!
Volunteering is good for you and your community. Benefits include:
Building your self-esteem and/or confidence
Learning or developing your skills and interests
Finding a pathway to enhance work experience
Enhancing your physical health and mental well-being
Meeting new people or broadening your social circle
Expressing your gratitude for help you may have received
Supporting a cause you feel strongly about, and
Adding value to the organisations that support the community
Interested? Want to find out more?
Email us at naremburn.matters@naremburnprogress.org.au