Communication with residents
Communication with Naremburn residents over the years since 1901 has taken many forms
Communication has consisted of public meetings, information exchange at social functions, and distribution of the minutes of the NPA’s general meetings.
In 1932, a Naremburn newspaper, The Searchlight, the brainchild of Alderman Herbert Piper, a Mayor of Willoughby, was published weekly from his premises at 66 Northcote Street, Naremburn.
In 1988, a history, The Naremburn Story, by the late Eric Wilksch, was published within a large project to mark the Bicentenary of Australia.
In 2000-2001, a newsletter accompanied the monthly minutes hand-delivered to members.
The possibility of a printed and published newsletter had been discussed for several years. A small group of members, committed to establishing a newsletter met to discuss the name, develop a logo, advertising requirements, articles, and so on. The NPA applied for and was successful in gaining a grant from Willoughby City Council and work on the first issue began.
In 2005, Naremburn Matters, the first edition consisting of 6 pages, was published in April, proclaiming itself a “quarterly publication”.
With the commitment of a small editorial team, the support of local advertisers, together with volunteer walkers from Neighbourhood Watch and the NPA, Naremburn Matters continues to be published quarterly, and distributed to more than 2,700 households and businesses In Naremburn. Copies are available at Naremburn Library and other public venues. Copies are delivered to all WCC Councillors and senior management.
The first edition of Naremburn Matters, and all subsequent issues, are available on this website. The NPA sends a copy of each issue to the State Library of NSW in accordance with this state’s Copyright Act.
In mid 2007, a email address- initially for that newsletter – began to be used for the total operations of the NPA. That email address enabled the ready distribution of minutes and agendas, as well as information updates, in a speedier and more effective manner that has resulted in a dramatic increase in NPA membership.
In 2008, 107 years after the Naremburn Progress Association was established, our website came into being.
In 2009, we commenced sending minutes and agendas to members via the web mail of our website; emails to and from addresses using the domain are now part of the NPA’s operations.
In 2023, we launched a new website with a membership area where members could access minutes and meeting papers via a password. A notification email is now sent to members with a link to the members area. Members can also log in direct to the website to access the members papers. We also added a submissions area where members can read background information and give feedback about current projects helping NPA to prepare submissions that represent the communities voice.