Naremburn Progress Association Membership

Who Can Join?

  • Any person over the age of 18 years is eligible for Ordinary membership providing such person is (a) a resident, (b) a ratepayer, or (c) conducts business in the Naremburn District, and is not a councillor
  • Any person over the age of 18 years is eligible for Associate membership providing such person is (a) a resident, (b) a ratepayer, or (c) conducts business in the Willoughby City Council area or (d) is councillor of Willoughby City Council

Membership Fees

  • The annual membership subscription fee is due on January 1 each year
  • A joining fee of $5 applies for new and for re-joining (lapsed) members only
  • Membership Fees are as follows:

    $5 Joining fee (new and lapsed members only)

    and either

    $20 per annum = Ordinary Member

    $15 per annum = Associate Member

    $10 per annum = Concession Holder


  • Any member who has not paid a subscription fee within three months (31st March) of the due date will cease to be a Member and will no longer have voting rights or access to the Members Area.
  • A joining fee will need to be paid if rejoining after 31st March.
  • Payment of membership fees can be made (a) via Internet banking to the NPA account (preferred), or (b) by cheque to PO Box 393 St Leonards 1590, or, in person at a Meeting of the Association.
  • BSB 032 297,
  • Account Number 20 1474
    reference: please include your last name in the transaction.

Membership Benefits

  • Capacity to contribute to the resolution of issues of concern to all who live in Naremburn
  • Be counted in our number when we have to go into bat on contentious issues – at Council, or with the State and Federal Governments
  • Not required to take an active role but ‘part of the team’
  • Agendas and minutes delivered to your email Inbox
  • Those not on email have their agendas and minutes delivered to their street mail box
  • Attend General Meetings of the Association and exercise voting rights
  • Meetings held every second month with the exception of January and July – check website for details
  • Meetings commence at 7.30 pm in the Naremburn Community Centre, 7 Central Street, Naremburn
  • Open Forum where you can introduce matters of concern or pass information to the benefit of other residents
  • Receive up to the minute emailed information of interest or concern as it happens
  • Able to contribute articles (within editorial guidelines) to Naremburn Matters, our newsletter distributed to 3250 households.

Membership Forms

If you are unable to complete a membership application online you can print and return this form Membership Application Form (PDF)