Naremburn Conservation Area

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Naremburn Conservation Area
The Naremburn Conservation area lies on land previously belonging to Thomas Broughton. Broughton’s Estate was developed after his death in 1901. Many of the streets in the locality are named after friends of Thomas Broughton including John Bayley Darvall and Sir James Martin. The extension of the tramline along Willoughby Road to Willoughby in 1898 prompted the development of the area. The area was subdivided in 1903 and was known as the “Crows Nest Subdivision”. The subdivision set out a uniform grid pattern of very small, narrow frontage allotments of about 250 square metres in area. The area developed quickly, largely because of its proximity to the city of Sydney, which at that time was reached by tram and ferry. The suburb boomed until the 1930’s from which point a decline set in.

By the 1950’s the entire Conservation Area and land south of Chandos Street was zoned light industrial for redevelopment in the County of Cumberland Planning Scheme, reflecting low community esteem for the area. Redevelopment did not occur and the subsequent 30 years saw a complete turnaround in the status and public perception of the area with the National Trust of Australia (NSW) recognising the importance of the area by classifying it as an Urban Conservation Area in 1983.

Naremburn Central Township
Naremburn Central Township
Naremburn Central Township comprised two Crown Grants of about six acres each, made in 1853 and 1854 to a Dugald MacPherson. The original Central Township was bounded by Brook Street, Garland Road, Central Street and Adolphus Street East, although properties on the northern side of Slade Street were also included in the early development. Residential development on Adolphus Street occurred concurrently with this commercial development. As the first settlement in the Naremburn area, the township was expected to become the commercial centre of the north side.

The development of this area can be attributed to its close proximity to the city, which at that time was reached by ferry. In the early 1880’s, Market Street had a number of shops, including a cabinet factory, post office, newsagent, butcher and a market site, several of which survive. Many small businesses and home industries thrived until 1898 when the tramline from Crows Nest to Willoughby took trade elsewhere. Since the construction of the Warringah Freeway in the 1970’s, Naremburn Central Township has been isolated from the rest of the suburb.

Naremburn Amenities Development Association (N.A.D.A.)
For a history of NADA, read an excerpt from the book ‘The Naremburn Story’, published in1988, and written by Eric Wilksch, who was President of the NPA from 1960 to 1990.

Street Listing
Read the history of some of the streets of Naremburn

General Information
Helicopters over Naremburn

As we have a major transport corridor running through the middle of Naremburn, we can and do have some occasions where RTA, Police and other helicopters will be in the airspace above us.
More significant, however, are the regular flights to the Helipads in our area, those at Channel 9 and the Royal North Shore Hospital.

Channel 9 Helicopter flight times:-

During Eastern Standard Time – between 7:00 am and 7:00 pm
During Daylight Saving Time – between 7:00 am and 8:00 pm.
Sundays and Public Holidays – between 9:00 am and 6:00 pm.
These times can be broken in the case of an emergency, but to the knowledge of the Chief Pilot, Channel 9 has not broken their curfew for years and strictly adheres to the above times.

Royal North Shore Hospital

Helicopters flying late at night and in the early hours of the morning are to and from the Royal North Shore Hospital with seriously injured patients or those with life-threatening medical conditions.

Communication with residents
Updated: 30 April 2009 Communication with Naremburn residents over the years since 1901 has taken many forms.

Communication has consisted of public meetings, information exchange at social functions, and distribution of the minutes of the NPA’s general meetings.

In 1932, a Naremburn newspaper, The Searchlight, the brainchild of Alderman Herbert Piper, a Mayor of Willoughby, was published weekly from his premises at 66 Northcote Street, Naremburn.

In 1988, a history, The Naremburn Story, by the late Eric Wilksch, was published within a large project to mark the Bicentenary of Australia.

In 2000-2001, a newsletter accompanied the monthly minutes hand-delivered to members.

The possibility of a printed and published newsletter had been discussed for several years. A small group of members, committed to establishing a newsletter met to discuss the name, develop a logo, advertising requirements, articles, and so on. The NPA applied for and was successful in gaining a grant from Willoughby City Council and work on the first issue began.

In 2005, Naremburn Matters, the first edition consisting of 6 pages, was published in April, proclaiming itself a “quarterly publication”.

With the commitment of a small editorial team, the support of local advertisers, together with volunteer walkers from Neighbourhood Watch and the NPA, Naremburn Matters continues to be published quarterly, and distributed to more than 2,700 households and businesses In Naremburn. Copies are available at Naremburn Library and other public venues. Copies are delivered to all WCC Councillors and senior management.

The first edition of Naremburn Matters, and all subsequent issues, are available on this website. The NPA sends a copy of each issue to the State Library of NSW in accordance with this state’s Copyright Act.

In mid 2007, a email address- initially for that newsletter – began to be used for the total operations of the NPA. That email address enabled the ready distribution of minutes and agendas, as well as information updates, in a speedier and more effective manner that has resulted in a dramatic increase in NPA membership.

In 2008, 107 years after the Naremburn Progress Association was established, our website came into being.

In 2009, we commenced sending minutes and agendas to members via the web mail of our website; emails to and from adresses using the domain are now part of the NPA’s operations.